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Fabled Beauty Bouquet
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Quick Overview
The Fabled Beauty Bouquet is an enchanting bouquet of unmatched beauty and grace. A softly elegant bouquet of pink roses and white calla lilies, seated in a clear glass vase, creates a magical display of your most heartfelt sentiments, to take an occasion from special to extraordinary.
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Categories: Anniversary, Anniversary Flowers, Birthday Flowers, Congratulations, Everyday Occasions, Fathers Day Flowers, Favorite Flowers, Flower Bouquet, Flower Bouquets, Flower with, For Her, Friendship Day Flowers, Get Well Soon, I Am Sorry, Lilies, Love & Romance, Mixed Flowers, Mothers Day Flowers, New Baby, New Year Flowers, Occasion, Occasional Day, Precious Flowers, Rose Day Flowers, Roses Bouquet, Special Occasion, Thank You, Vase arrangement, Womens Day Flowers
Product Description
The Fabled Beauty Bouquet is an enchanting bouquet of unmatched beauty and grace. A softly elegant bouquet of pink roses and white calla lilies, seated in a clear glass vase, creates a magical display of your most heartfelt sentiments, to take an occasion from special to extraordinary.
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